What do you know? Page 3 does have its uses!


It is fair to say that I am not a fan of Page 3. I was discussing this subject yesterday with my guy friend Dan, who despite being male is even more of a  feminist than I am. His opinion of Page 3: ‘I know it’s wrong but if I happen to pick up the Sun on a train (I would never buy it), I will look at it; It is objectification though.’

My issue with Page 3 is not really that people look at it. Male or female if you see a topless woman you’re going to at least have an awkward ‘OMG her boobs are out’ glance. My problem with Page 3 is that it’s there in the first place. However, today I had to rethink my stance, as the Sun actually used it to do some good by joining up with breast cancer charity CoppaFeel.

If you haven’t heard of CoppaFeel, it is a small charity which started in 2009 to help spread awareness of breast cancer and the importance of checking your boobs regularly for lumps. It was founded by Kristin Hallenga, who unbelievably was diagnosed with the disease at 23 years old. As I’m about to turn 23 myself, this has understandably hit home. My days are filled with nagging my live-in boyfriend to pick up his socks and worrying about the future of my career; not breast cancer. Kristin’s story has definitely put things into perspective.

Whether you love or hate it, you can’t deny that Page 3 reaches a huge audience. The Sun is the UK’s most widely read paper, and for reaching out to the charity I have a new found respect for them (they still write absolute twaddle though.)

So well done Page 3, you did something right for once!